Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Camera Movements

There are many types of Camera Movements used in a film production. just some of these movements include:

Pan: this is when the camera moves across a scene horizontally., it is done by placing the camera on a Tripod. it is often used to  follow a character or moving object.

Zoom In: this is simply when the camera zooms in on an object or character. it is used to portray the facial expressions of a character and creates a dramatic scene.

Zoom Out:  this is when a camera simply zooms out from either an object or character, revealing the surroundings and background.

Tracking Shot: this is when the camera is placed on usually a moving vehicle at the side of the action. it is used to follow a moving object or character  or to show a long journey.

Hand Held Shot: this is when the camera is actually carried by hand and follows the character, it is very often used in television documentries and is given a very shaky camera effect. it usually gives a sense of realism and makes the film seem realistic.

Crane Shot: this is when the camera is placed on a tall crane. it is often used to follow an object that is too far away to film by hand. it can also be used to swoop in or out on any action that may occur in the film and is operated by one camera man/woman.  

Aerial Shot: this is when a shot is taken from usually a helicopter, it is often used in the openings of films to to portray the surroundings and location.

1 comment:

  1. Can you add visual examples to go with your camera shots and angles?
